In the movie Cul-de-Sac (1966), an armed gangster takes his wounded companion to a very old castle where a man and his wife live. The gangster demands compliance, getting it from the man, the homeowner (poorly played by Donald Pleasance), who is a ludicrous coward.
Neither the premise nor the story in this Roman Polanski undertaking is very good. The film is a tragicomic noirish entertainment, and although there are some clever touches—as when Pleasance’s George playfully dons his wife’s nightgown—the piece is unconvincing and rather coarse. Knife in the Water it ain’t.
One of the few pleasant things about it, frankly, is the beautiful nudity of actress Francoise Dorleac. (By the way, even if Dorleac is French, Cul-de-Sac is an English-language film.)
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