Publicity photo of Loretta Young for Argentinean Magazine. (Printed in USA) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Love is News (1937), directed by Tay Garnett, is another old Hollywood comedy about newspaper reporters, shown here to be a shabby lot. They lie. Tyrone Power, as a reporter, intends to lie about a well-known heiress he interviews enacted by Loretta Young; but Young turns the tables on him. She lies about him to a batch of reporters.
Handsome Power has comic verve but no charisma. Beautiful Young is not a natural for farce but, happily, is never false. As a managing editor, Don Ameche is a gratifying exhibitor of range. The film is lively without being very funny (to me) until it turns slapstick, beginning with Power deliberately dropping Young into a mud puddle. The ending is romantically jaunty. Love is News is a more-than-okay lark.
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