Movies, books, music and TV

Something Called “Shark Night 3-D” – A Movie Review

Had It All

Image via Wikipedia

Shark Night 3-D (2011) is meant to resemble grindhouse movies of the ’70s, which is to say it’s disgustingly low and stupid.  Its PG-13 rating, though, is just about right:  it features neither the F word nor bona fide nudity.

It must be that an American Idol culture sooner or later produces a flick like this, which co-stars an utterly hot but badly performing Katharine McPhee, an  Idol alumna.  Superior acting issues from Sara Paxton and Dustin Milligan, who are also utterly hot.  The thing is, if Shark Night were a song routine, Simon Cowell would deservedly savage it.

Make a grindhouse movie if you will, but a useless mess is–probably–all you’ll end up with. 


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  1. mart

    Funny, alot of reviewers say Katharine McPhee is the only one who does shine on the screen! Her death scene, they wrote, was the best acting in the movie! Other reviewers said she stole the scenes that she was in! Haters gonna hate!

    • dean

      By no means do I hate Katharine McPhee. As I said, she’s utterly hot in the film, but I believe she has proved herself to be a talented singer, not a talented actor.

  2. lanny

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  3. Emily

    Hi Dean…I love movies and i always like your post…I am hoping I can learn more from you…

  4. Solenn

    Hi Dean…I am into movies and I always watch most of the recent movie and I think except this one…Thanks for the idea…

  5. Sherrie

    I am an addict with movies and I almost watch most of them…But I haven’t seen this as well…Thanks for sharing this…

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