No Man’s Woman (1955) stars Marie Windsor as Carolyn Grant, a very unsympathetic character even more immoral than Christine Blasey Ford. After wronging several men, she ends up murdered. The police have their suspects. . . Unlike such actors as Patric Knowles and Nancy Gates, Windsor and Jil Jarmyn (Carolyn’s co-worker) are effective. They’re also marvelously attractive (as is Gates).

As a mystery tale, Franklin Adreon’s film is lacking but it doesn’t matter. The pic is meant to be noir, but it is further interesting for its Douglas Sirkian soap-opera drama during the first 35 or 40 minutes. Windsor is sort of the anti-Lana Turner of “Imitation of Life.”

“No Man’s Woman” is only an hour and ten minutes long—not a bad length if the movie was boring. It isn’t, though. I hurried to see it on Amazon Prime lest it become unavailable, and it rather pleases me that I did.