Movies, books, music and TV

“People Like Us” is not for People Like Me – A Movie Review

Though something more than a commercial Hollywood film, People Like Us (2012) is flatly unsatisfactory.  I found it hard to swallow nearly everything that goes on in it, as when a deceased father leaves his neglectful, irresponsible son a boatload of money to turn over to the half-sister he has never met.  True, the picture is moving, but it’s ultimately sentimental as well.


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Hooray for “Call Me Maybe,” Etc. (Music)


  1. This post is interesting. I don´t know what I´m thinking about it :0)

  2. Michael Davis

    I didn’t like that movie at all. Honestly I didn’t find any good there.

  3. I want watch the trailer of this movie and it is interesting movie.

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