In the 1945 musical comedy, Bring on the Girls, actor Eddie Bracken is okay, Sonny Tufts is not. He is practically the leading man in the film and he has no charisma.
Ah, but bring on the girls! Veronica Lake, unlike contemporary actresses like Jennifer Lawrence and Margot Robbie, exhibits a unique presence with her slender figure, sardonic, lazy voice and magnetic face. Marjorie Reynolds is a real beauty of a supporting actress, likable and versatile. Both women’s acting is inoffensively serviceable. Not so the efforts of those who put together a routine near the end involving Spike Jones and his band, a routine more silly than funny. But other sequences in this movie about sailors and dames are entertaining: e.g. the tap dancing bits and the comedy with the two deplorable doctors. Girls should have been a more respectable lark, with a slightly more respectable cast—uh, then I think about Veronica Lake and I understand the compensation. Hiring Lake: now that was a respectable move.
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