Movies, books, music and TV

A Good Film From France: “Alias Betty” (’01)

The plot of Alias Betty (2001) is a bit too good for most screenwriters to have concocted, but not too good for the novelist Ruth Rendell, on whose novel–The Tree of Hands–it is based.  A French film by Claude Miller, it concerns a mentally unbalanced woman who kidnaps a little boy in order to make a gift of him to her grieving, now childless grown daughter.  What we have here is a person whose suffering drives her to become comfortable with an immoral situation.   Several story strands are juggled perfectly; the novel is adroitly adapted.  Nothing wrong with the acting either.

(In French with English subtitles)

Cover of "Alias Betty"

Cover of Alias Betty


“Shadow of a Star,” Representation Of The Wild West


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  1. Charryh

    I like watching and discoverning new movies and I think this can be very interesting story too…

  2. Frances

    Looking forward to watch this movie..I am really sure its a big hit..

  3. Charm26

    My night won’t be complete without movie marathon and I will look for this copy to watch over…

  4. Good review , I dont think I could hae put it any better.

  5. Nicole

    The story plot is interesting. Sometimes suffering can really lead you to do immoral deeds. I’m so looking forward of seeing this movie..

  6. The movie is interesting since the movie entails a mentally unbalanced woman who kidnaps a little boy in order to make a gift of him to her grieving, now childless grown daughter. I like this sort of movie.

  7. I want to discover what it is on this movie. It seems there is thrill on this movie.

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