The Rare Review

Movies, books, music and TV

I’m Buddy Lovin’ It: “The Nutty Professor”

The Nutty Professor

The Nutty Professor (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The “inner man” Prof. Julius Kelp releases from himself through chemical means is the rude, unspeakably conceited Buddy Love—not a good inner man.  Julius, a college chemistry teacher, fails to realize this, and never expects Stella (Stella Stevens) to fall for him.  We don’t expect it either; he’s a nutty professor—played with farcical adroitness by Jerry Lewis in the Lewis classic, The Nutty Professor (1963).

However, the movie ends on a dandy note by having Julius and Stella walk off to get married as Stella, unknown to her fiance, bears on her belt two bottles of the weird chemical that turned Julius into masculine Buddy.  Sincerely wanting the qualities of Prof. Kelp, she also wants, I would say,—for Julius—some of the qualities of Buddy Love.

Lewis’s film is a sassy, leisurely, corny delight—with “some scenes that can hold their own with the classic silent comedies” (Pauline Kael).  One such scene contains a tracking shot of people on the street looking astonished at an unseen, very, very cool Buddy.  Another shows, in a flashback, Julius’s darkly, grimly funny parents while goofy baby Julius is in a nearby playpen. . . Stella Stevens fills the bill as the lady-love, and is youthfully beautiful.  Del Moore, as the college president, and Howard Morris, as the professor’s father, are successful as well, hilariously right.

In ’63, The Nutty Professor may have been the best American comedy since Pillow Talk.


Robert And His Donkey: “Au Hasard Balthazar”

Cover of "Au Hasard Balthazar (Criterion ...

Cover via Amazon

If it is a Christian who is baptized (excluding the infants), the baby donkey baptized by children in Au Hasard Balthazar (1966) is a Christian—or, rather, a “Christian.”  He is a “Christian” in the sense of a suffering servant—“an epitome of passive suffering,” says Vernon Young.  He is frightened and scorned and abused by men, while, on the other hand, a girl named Marie (Anne Wiazemsky) loves him as a pet.  But Balthazar, the donkey, is removed from Marie, and Marie—virtually the Mary Magdalene of the film—removes herself from respectable company.  Not only does she love the vile hoodlum Gerard (Francois Lafarge), she also resorts to prostitution.  Balthazar must live with the earthy, earthly reality.  Marie chooses to live with, to embrace, the worldly.

Its flaws keep Au Hasard Balthazar (At Random, Balthazar) from being as powerful as it could be.  All the same, it manages to be one of the good movies of Robert Bresson (unlike those he made in the Seventies), a profound Christian opus acknowledging that there is Christological truth in the natural world.  It also conveys that the sufferer is superior to the sinner, albeit Marie too, after sinning, suffers.

(In French with English subtitles)

A Family And Its “Hard Truths”

A Mike Leigh film about a black lower middle-class family in London, Hard Truths (2024) shows us not that the world is too much with us but that we ourselves are too much with us. Pansy Deacon (a remarkable Marianne Jean-Baptiste) never ceases to be frustrated and bitter and has no idea why—why she can never enjoy life. She forces her husband Curtley (David Webber) to be too much with himself: a man paralyzed by his wife and in his misery. It is much the same with their shy son Moses.

The picture flows naturalistically without a plot (but you won’t miss it) and unconcerned about race. Armond White has correctly observed that the film “goes so far beyond the ‘people-who-look-like-me’ cliches that the emotional specificity of [Pansy’s] familial and social distress is scarily recognizable—and universal.” Which is another way of saying Leigh is an artist.

Kudos to his cast. Michelle Austin gives a sinewy and moving performance as Pansy’s sister Chantelle. A nice vitality arises when Austin is with the two young women who play Chantelle’s daughters—and Ani Nelson (Kayla) is lovely. In all likelihood, this is one of Leigh’s best films.

“The Candidate” Wanna A Kiss?

The Candidate—not the Michael Ritchie film of 1972, but one from 1964—stars Mamie Van Doren as a glamorous pimp, Christine, employed by the destructive campaign manager, Buddy (Eric Mason), for a bachelor Congressional candidate, Frank Carlton (Ted Knight). As it happens, Christine falls for Buddy—the worst path she could take—while Frank meets and caves to his weakness for a British noncitizen named Angela (June Wilkinson). Buddy is a would-be government official who, we come to realize, doesn’t stand, or deserve, a chance.

The film is quite serious with some sophisticated dialogue (borrowed from a source novel, I take it), but as well it is thin and has scant drama. Indeed, there is not enough here for even an 80 minute movie. Near the end the piece gets silly and phony. It transpires that Angela was willing to appear in an utterly stupid stag reel.

Van Doren and Wilkinson cannot act. Mamie tries but it doesn’t pan out. She’s a blond marvel, though; her looks are extraordinary. As for pretty June, her bosom is extraordinary. Mason’s acting is probably passable but rather mechanical. The Candidate loses.

She Gives Good Face, Not “Funny Face”

Cover of "Funny Face"

Cover of Funny Face

With savvy and imagination Stanley Donen directed the musical, Funny Face (1957), wherein a book store clerk (Audrey Hepburn) is rapidly turned into a fashion model.

Early on, the movie’s appeal is perfectly evident:  Hepburn passably sings a pop masterpiece, “How Long Has This Been Going On?,” by George and Ira Gershwin.  After that, well, it’s strange to see the young Hepburn fall in love with the middle-aged Fred Astaire, and Hepburn’s dancing is sheerly mechanical in the café scene, but the good stuff keeps rolling nonetheless.  Astaire charms us with another top-notch Gershwin song from the Twenties (terpsichore included)—“Let’s Kiss and Make Up.”  And, yes, even though Hepburn’s singing voice is sometimes less than passable, her acting is gracefully decent, properly amusing.

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