Another movie written and directed by Preston Sturges, the 1948 Unfaithfully Yours stars Rex Harrison as the conductor of a symphony orchestra. After asking his foolish brother-in-law to keep an eye on his beloved wife (Linda Darnell) while the conductor is away, the chap learns that the brother-in-law hired a detective to do so. Appalled by this, Harrison is also eventually told of circumstantial evidence pointing to possible unfaithfulness. Refusing to give Darnell the benefit of the doubt, the conductor becomes a fierce basket case.
Bits of drama and chunks of comedy in this seriocomic romp do not gel, but amusement is certainly there. This time Sturges is uninterested in American manners and mores, which makes Unfaithfully Yours a little less winning than his other films. Even the romance with its gushing and glibness is less attractive. Claudette Colbert and even Joel McCrea showed us how it was done.
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