Almost nothing about the Christian movie, Redeeming Love (2022), makes sense. An Old West drama adapted from a novel, it features a young Christian farmer, Michael (Tom Lewis), who is determined to marry a beautiful harlot named Angel (Abigail Cowen) in the hope that she will convert to the faith. Why wouldn’t she? After all, a burly brothel worker, Magowan, is so mean he batters her; but isn’t this a never tolerated damaging of merchandise?
Again, it doesn’t make sense.
Michael resembles the prophet Hosea in the Old Testament, but what is fine for ancient Israel does not work for the New Covenant era. The film, at any rate, is not very preachy and is photographically nice (if often too golden). As a faith-based item, it is slightly controversial because the camera shows in a couple of scenes not Cowen’s nipples but decidedly her breasts. With or without this, though, Cowen is an appealing performer. She gets the job done. But, alas, she cannot redeem Redeeming Love.
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